
Discover the latest product updates, resources, tutorials and insights for quantitative investment practitioners right here.

Peter Millington Attends the Snowflake Data for Breakfast

Peter Millington Attends the Snowflake Data for Breakfast

In today’s fast-paced business environment, data is more valuable than ever. Companies are looking for ways to extract meaningful insights from their data to gain a competitive edge. To do so, they need a robust data warehousing solution that can support their data...

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It All Started with a Quble

It All Started with a Quble

In our last SFS blog, we talked about how the technical challenges in the performance and scaling of our Quotient architecture were solved through the integration of our backend with Snowflake’s Snowpark for Python. We called Snowpark a “game changer” for developers...

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Houston, We Had a Problem

Houston, We Had a Problem

Scientific Financial Systems (SFS) knew that in Quotient™ we developed a powerful and flexible Python-based data science SaaS application that could improve the effectiveness of quant finance teams.  Our careers in Quant research and fund management led us to...

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Differentiate Your Next Investment Study

Differentiate Your Next Investment Study

Get Started with Quotient’s Screener Builder Module Tutorial It is a sound practice to think about which general stock universe you are interested in before bringing in excess data and potential noise to your stock selection process or study. You might unintentionally...

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Point In Time Data Sets

Point In Time Data Sets

Advantage Point in time financial data sets have been built so that users can access historical financial statements including a date of when the financial statements were known. Non-point in time data sets do not include a date of when the information became...

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Discover the future of financial data analysis

Watch a demonstration of Quotient™, our flagship financial data analysis product.